Proposal to Payment For a Frictionless Customer Experience with Sarika Garg, CEO and Co-Founder at Cacheflow

Organizations spend a great deal of resources to drive top-of-funnel activities and engage prospects. But once a customer is ready to buy, the process for signing a contract and paying an invoice can sometimes be a horrible experience. Connect with Sarika Growth Forum is a place to Connect, Learn and Grow. Launching February 2023, Growth Forum has a new prospecting program to help Sellers take control of their pipeline. The program is usually valued at $2500, but if you sign up to Growth Forum now, you will receive access to this program for free! In this episode of the Revenue Engine podcast, Sarika Garg, the CEO and Co-Founder of Cacheflow, shares how B2B companies can provide a seamless experience from proposal to payment to truly optimize the customer experience! This episode is brought to you by Growth Forum - sign up for 30-days free, use the code: GROW30
Organizations spend a great deal of resources to drive top-of-funnel activities and engage prospects. But once a customer is ready to buy, the process for signing a contract and paying an invoice can sometimes be a horrible experience.

In this episode of the Revenue Engine podcast, Sarika Garg, the CEO and Co-Founder of Cacheflow, shares how B2B companies can provide a seamless experience from proposal to payment to truly optimize the customer experience!

This episode is brought to you by Growth Forum - sign up for 30-days free, use the code: GROW30
Proposal to Payment For a Frictionless Customer Experience with Sarika Garg, CEO and Co-Founder at Cacheflow
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